Commercial Composting at Dow Chemical | Midland, MI

Published Dec 31, 2022

The Dow Chemical facility in Midland, Michigan took on the composting initiative by joining forces with EcoRich composting solutions. They view sustainability as a crucial step in their company’s future and consistently seek ways to improve their practices.

The World of Decentralized Composting

On-site involves having waste transported from kitchens to state composting facilities using large trucks.

This is less efficient for both the user and the planet, seeing as it costs anywhere from $200 to $2500 to have the waste picked up in large trucks that, in turn, also increases the user’s carbon footprint.

EcoRich sees an opportunity in the growing public support of environmentally conscious movements.

A Thriving Consumer Landscape

A study conducted by the National Restaurant Association, showed that 51 percent of people surveyed said they would pay extra (median 10% more) to eat at restaurants that recycle.

This shows that there is a large market of consumers who truly care if the restaurants they choose to eat at are recycling.

Dow Chemical

“We believe that a solution isn’t a solution if it isn’t sustainable. We are always connecting and collaborating to find new options for materials that make life better for everyone. Sustainability is always at the front of every decision we make.” said Nate Huckins, Project Manager, at the Midland MI Corporate Facilities.

The Composting Experience

The Dow Chemical facility was able to seamlessly transition their waste management systems using the EcoRich Elite II composter. While they once disposed of their food waste as trash, they were able to manage a complete overhaul of their waste management systems in one day.

The facility’s staff found the installation process to be simple and quick, with Nate Huckins noting that,  “Purchasing and installing the composters were both very simple. The equipment needs very little utility connection to operate and it took our teams only a day to install.”

Ultimately, the Dow Chemical team was looking for a composting option that was reliable, produced usable soil amendment, and did not exceed their budget. The EcoRich Elite II managed to check all of those boxes.

The EcoRich Experience

After receiving a positive recommendation from a client, Dow Chemical decided to look into EcoRich themselves. They found that their experience matched the positive reviews they had trusted prior to purchasing.

In regards to operation, the staff found it even easier to use than it was to install, with Nate Huckins claiming, “We have found the odor-free operation to be achievable very easily. After the machine gets rolling and consistently producing compost (it takes a couple of weeks to get its stride), producing compost is effortless and as simple as continuing to add food. Just as promised.”

As an organization with well-established sustainability goals, DOW has been able to use the Elite II by not only reducing waste but also giving back to community gardening efforts.

Nate added that the machine has had no issues in continuous operation thus far, also stating that “After a couple of weeks of operation, the output material has been consistent for the last several months with no adjustments from our team.”

A Perfect Product for the Right User

Like all productive and progressive causes, composting may never be as easy as its harmful alternatives. However, the ever-growing composting movement has resulted in a vast improvement in the number and quality of options in the market. The EcoRich Elite II stands amongst those options as a viable solution to the food waste epidemic.