California's Various Recycling Initiatives

Published Mar 24, 2021

California’s recycling initiative is not only centered around the removal of organic materials in landfills but also instituted many programs that aided the initiative. Some of these programs are expanding the recycling/manufacturing infrastructure, source reduction, and efforts to identify and explore opportunities to increase the recycling of packaging.

Source Reduction 

This program was centered around educating the public about the importance of recycling and how to. Our biggest global problem is now the climate crisis, and the significance of this issue will only grow with the generation that comes. The issue of sustainability can be made more empowering by combining it with a positive practice such as recycling, giving future generations the confidence that their actions as consumers can make a difference. 

The California Education and the Environment Initiative is a regional initiative aimed at integrating environmental literacy into K-12 education in the state. They provide teachers with advanced development and educational resources that show how to incorporate environmental concerns into the teaching of standard academic subjects such as science, history, and English language arts.

Expanding the Recycling/Manufacturing Infrastructure

This Californian recycling initiative focused on expanding the recycling and manufacturing infrastructure by providing financial incentives to expand infrastructure.

The government also instituted workshops to address draft plans for different Cap-and-Trade-funded loans and grants to develop or extend organics management and manufacturing with recycled material fiber, resin, or glass facilities. They’ve also planned to introduce different types of recycling facilities and the permits required by different agencies.

Increase Recycling of Packaging

Their main goal is efforts to identify and explore opportunities to increase the recycling of packaging. Packaging constitutes around a quarter of California's overall disposal source, according to CalRecycle, so its elimination and recovery are critical to achieving the statewide policy target. CalRecycle annually reviews a percentage of the registered product manufacturers to verify the information and compliance with the law. Non-compliant product manufacturers may be assessed penalties of up to $100,000! 

California lawmakers have become stricter in their efforts to enforce these initiatives and have put measures in place to ensure that they were followed.