EcoRich at the American Museum of Natural History's EarthFest 2019

Published Apr 18, 2019

EcoRich founder Manish Desai and colleague Charles Nouhan joined other sustainability organizations, including the NYC Department of Sanitation and The Climate Museum at New York’s American Museum of Natural History on April 13th to take part in the arts, science, and culture festival EarthFest 2019 in honor of Earth Day.

Hundreds of visitors from NY and the world round participated in hands-on activities, enjoyed special music guest stars on the Main Stage, and celebrated the beautiful planet we call home. All this under the watchful eye of the museum’s glorious Blue Whale!

It was a great event, and EcoRich is grateful to the Museum for inviting us to take part, to have the chance to meet so many friendly and interesting families and visitors, and have the opportunity to share how home composting and commercial food waste composting can benefit communities and our precious Earth on such a special day.

Want to know more about what’s happening in the world of home and business food waste composting? We can attend your event too and share the many ways that families and businesses can make a real difference to the environment.

Contact EcoRich to find out how we can help you meet your food waste disposal needs.